Machine Learning

  • MLlib overview
  • Collaborative filtering
ALS too advanced! Let's go simpler

Let's write a recommendation engine


Ratings csv


Movies csv

1,Toy Story (1995),Adventure|Animation|Children|Comedy|Fantasy
2,Jumanji (1995),Adventure|Children|Fantasy
3,Grumpier Old Men (1995),Comedy|Romance
4,Waiting to Exhale (1995),Comedy|Drama|Romance
5,Father of the Bride Part II (1995),Comedy
6,Heat (1995),Action|Crime|Thriller
7,Sabrina (1995),Comedy|Romance


How do I find recommendations for an user?

  1. Find most similar users
  2. Pick movies from them he still didn't watch

Parse data

# load file and build user profiles
fileName = workingDir + "ratings.csv"
userProfiles = sc.textFile(fileName) \
    .filter(lambda line: not 'userId' in line) \
    .map(buildRatingFromLine) \
    .groupBy(lambda profile: profile['user']) \
    .map(buildProfileFromGroup) \

def buildRatingFromLine(l):

    fields = l.split(',')

    return {
        'user'  : fields[0],
        'movie' : fields[1],
        'rating': float(fields[2])

def buildProfileFromGroup(g):

    profile = {}
    for rating in g[1]:
        movieId = rating['movie']
        profile[movieId] = rating['rating']

    return {
        'user'   : g[0],
        'profile': profile
list of user profiles

        'user'   : 216,
        'profile': {
            '10': 3.5,
            '34': 5.0,

Similarity graph

# compute similarity between users' profiles
similarityGraph = userProfiles.cartesian(userProfiles) \
    .map(computeSimilarity) \
    .filter(lambda similarity: similarity != None) \

def computeSimilarity(twoUsers):

    userA = twoUsers[0]
    userB = twoUsers[1]

    # don't compare a user with himself
    if(userA['user'] == userB['user']):
        return None

    userAprofile = userA['profile']
    userBprofile = userB['profile']

    moviesRatedByA = set(userAprofile.keys())
    moviesRatedByB = set(userBprofile.keys())
    moviesBothUsersRated = moviesRatedByA.intersection( moviesRatedByB )
    moviesRated = moviesRatedByA.union( moviesRatedByB )
    moviesOnlyBRated = moviesRatedByB.difference( moviesRatedByA )

    similarity = float( len(moviesBothUsersRated) ) / float( len(moviesRated) )

    return {
        'user' : userA['user'],
        'other': userB['user'],
        'similarity' : similarity,
        'recommendations': list(moviesOnlyBRated)
list of one-to-one recommendations

        'user' : 216,
        'other': 306,
        'similarity' : 0.83,
        'recommendations': [236, 101, 45, ...]

k-nearest neighbors

get k most similar profiles for each user

# take recommendations from the most similar users
k = 10
finalRecommendations = {}
for i, userId in enumerate(userIds):

    kNearestNeighBours = similarityGraph.filter(lambda rec: rec['user'] == userId) \
        .sortBy(lambda rec: rec['similarity'], ascending=False) \

    finalRecommendations[userId] = getRecommendationsFromKNN( kNearestNeighBours )

which movies are recommended by my neighbors?

def getRecommendationsFromKNN(kNearestNeighBours):

    recommendations = []
    for i, neighbour in enumerate(kNearestNeighBours):

        recsFromUser = set(neighbour['recommendations'])

        if i == 0:
            recommendations = recsFromUser
            unionSet = recommendations.intersection( recsFromUser )
            if len(unionSet) > 1:
                recommendations = unionSet

        return list( recommendations )
list of ready recommendations!

    '216': [ '94', '402', '423', '232' ],
    '344': [ '345', '2', '60', '142', '96' ], 
(to be loaded on DB)


  • not considering rating [0,5]
  • not looking into movies' genre
  • not looking into movies at all
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